Benefits of Obedience Training:
Creates A Closer Bond & Builds A Stronger Relationship With Your Dog
When your dog is well trained, happy and relaxed, owners find that dog ownership and companionship are a more satisfying experience when their dogs are attentive, responsive, and less anxious.
Easier To Manage
When our dog understands and obeys basic commands such as sit, stay, and lay down, your dog is easier to manage and are easier to take into new situations with unfamiliar faces. You can feel confident knowing your dog will be easy to control when surrounded by distractions and unfamiliar people.
Social and Friendly Interactions With Other Animals
Properly socializing your dog is extremely important so that they can learn how to get along with other dogs and animals in an acceptable way. Whether on your morning and afternoon walks or at the dog park it’s essential for your dog to be confident and relaxed when meeting new dogs. This helps prevent fear and aggression and promotes excitement and positive responses.
Keeps Your Dog and Others Safe
When you train your dog to be obedient no matter what situation, you are, ultimately, helping to keep both your dog and others safe. When you have a close bond with your dog, you are able to notice any potential signs that your dog might be about to have a negative or aggressive response when in unfamiliar settings or when something unexpected something—such as breaking free from the leash. If you dog is obedient and gets loose, they are more likely to listen and come back when you tell them to rather than run rampant.